Friday, April 1, 2011

Artificial Latvamäki Album #1 Out NOW!

Finally. Fucking finally. After years and years of working to the point of breaking down and rising again like lego brick towers to the sky - I've finally put it out - my debut album "Rauta".

After frustrating myself, trying to get record labels to release it like I wanted it to be, not like they would like it to be, I have decided to put it out for free - pay what you want. Atleast for the first couple of weeks. Or for as long as the free downloads last (yeah, like they would run out, hah).

It's 7:36 in the morning and I've been working all night for this. I hope it's worth it to someone out there listening. It's a beautiful spring friday morning, my name is Dallas Wayne and I say Yeeee-Haa!

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